Max Flow By-Pass Sub
Advantages of using the Max Flow By-Pass Sub in conjunction with the UJT
- Combined with Venturi tool, nozzle, spinning wash tools, with motors, etc. Unlimited “Water Tractor” effect
- Nozzles are easily changed for pump rate and pressure requirements
- Using hydraulics vs. battling hydraulics with 0.3”
- Can be ran with ACID for jetting and washing or other corrosive chemicals, Nitrogen and foam friendly as well, also sour service
- The UJT is the SHORTEST and STRONGEST tool in the BHA @ 0.35m (14”)
- Replaces Bit Sub for crossover used in many BHA
- Capable of pumping any rate without over speeding motor
- Can still see motor stalls
- Changes rates in the field
- No moving parts
- Softer Stalls, less reactive torque to motor
- Extended motor life
- Unmatched wellbore cleaning capabilities
- KISS method